The Foundation is funded through sponsorship of various fundraising activities, and direct contributions from corporations, foundations, legacy societies, and friends in the community.
This is an exciting time for growth and visibility for the Foundation and its mission: Impact the lives of youth and young adults in the Delaware community through mentorship, leadership development, and financial support.
The Foundation has served over 250 youths through programming and an additional 100 youths with over $160,500 in financial support for college education. However, the work of the Foundation is not done.
The Foundation has identified the need for further collaboration with community partners to address the ever increasing drop-out rate of high school students; especially those students of color.
Your tax-deductible gift to the Foundation’s mission and programs will enable youth in Delaware to participate in and enjoy creative and life changing experiences.
The Gamma Theta Lambda Education Foundation, Inc. is a public charity under section 501a of the Internal Revenue Code as a not-for-profit entity as described in section 501(c)3.